Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Const conAPPLICATION = "Get localized group names"
Dim intCODE, strMARK
Dim objHOST, objNET
' Creating Objects
Set objNET = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Set objHOST = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Bail "Start " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Main ' Cals the start subfunction that starts the script
' Purpose: Starts the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: none.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
'Begin to insert Your code here
Dim strComputerName : strComputerName = objNET.ComputerName
Dim objWMIService, colAccounts, objAccount
Dim strUsersGroupSID : strUsersGroupSID = "S-1-5-32-545"
Dim strPowerUsersGroupSID : strPowerUsersGroupSID = "S-1-5-32-547"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colAccounts = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Group Where SID = '" & strUsersGroupSID & "' And Domain = '" & strComputerName & "'")
For Each objAccount In colAccounts
session.property("BuiltinUsers") = objAccount.Name
Bail "Users group name is: " & objAccount.Name, 0
'MsgBox objAccount.Name & VbCrLf & objAccount.Caption & VbCrLf & objAccount.Description & VbCrLf & objAccount.Domain & VbCrLf & objAccount.Installdate & VbCrLf & objAccount.SID & VbCrLf & objAccount.SIDType & VbCrLf & objAccount.Status
Set colAccounts = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Group Where SID = '" & strPowerUsersGroupSID & "' And Domain = '" & strComputerName & "'")
For Each objAccount in colAccounts
session.property("PowerUsers") = objAccount.Name
Bail "Power Users group name is: " & objAccount.Name, 0
'MsgBox objAccount.Name & VbCrLf & objAccount.Caption & VbCrLf & objAccount.Description & VbCrLf & objAccount.Domain & VbCrLf & objAccount.Installdate & VbCrLf & objAccount.SID & VbCrLf & objAccount.SIDType & VbCrLf & objAccount.Status
End Sub
Bail "Stop " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Set objNET = Nothing
Set objHOST = Nothing
' Purpose: Writes to the application log.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: No argoments.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Function LogIt()
On Error Resume Next
objHOST.LogEvent intCODE, strMARK, objNET.ComputerName
End Function
' Purpose: Catch errors during execution of the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, are defined globaly
' and that the LogIt function exist.
' Effects : Sets intCODE, strMARK.
' Inputs:
' strEvent: The text that will be written to the application eventlog
' and if wanted as a message box to the user.
' intShow: If intShow equals 1 and an error has been generated, an error message is displayed to the user.
' If intShow differs from 1 and an error has been generated, the error is written to the application log.
' If an error has been generated and strEvent contains a string, than the string and the error are logged to the aspplications log.
' Return Values : The error number.
Function Bail(Byval strEvent, intShow)
Dim strERRMESSAGE, intBOX, blnQUIT, intRET, intButton
Bail = Err.Number
If intCODE <> 1 Then intCODE = 4
If Err.Number = 0 And strEvent = vbNullString Then Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
strEVENT = strEVENT & "-Err Number 0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description
intCODE = 1
If intSHOW = 1 Then
Select Case Hex(Err.Number)
'Insert your case numer here
Case Else
' All not handled errors gets here. This case gives the user no second chanse to try again.
strERRMESSAGE = "Unknown error. Please report this to the support."
intBOX = vbCritical
intButton = vbOKOnly + vbDefaultButton1
blnQUIT = True
End Select
intRET = MsgBox(strERRMESSAGE & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strEVENT, intBOX + intButton, conAPPLICATION)
End If
strEVENT = strEVENT & " - OK"
End If
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & strEVENT
If blnQUIT Or intRET = vbNo Then
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & "Premature termination " & Now()
WScript.Quit 1
End If
End Function
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Const conAPPLICATION = "LockPermissions Registry addition"
' SpecialFolder Constants
Const conWindowsFolder = 0
Const conSystemFolder = 1
Const conTemporaryFolder = 2
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1
Const conmsiOpenDatabaseModeDirect = 2 'Opens a database direct read/write without transaction.
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeCreate = 3
Dim intCODE, strMARK
Dim objHOST, objNET
' Creating Objects
Set objNET = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Set objHOST = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim objInstaller : Set objInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim strWsiFile : strWsiFile = WScript.Arguments(0)
Dim intRoot, strRoot
Dim strKey
Bail "Start " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Main ' Cals the start subfunction that starts the script
' Purpose: Starts the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: none.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
'Begin to insert Your code here
Dim objFile
Dim objDatabase, objView, objRecord
Dim strRegistryTable()
ReDim strRegistryTable(0)
Dim intI
Dim strProgId 'WfWIWSI.Document
Dim strCompileCommand '"C:\Program Files\Altiris\Wise Package Studio\Windows Installer Editor\WfWI.exe" "%1" /c
Dim objREGEXP : Set objREGEXP = New RegExp
Dim objMatches, objMatch
objREGEXP.Global = True 'Sets a Boolean value that indicates if a pattern should match all occurrences in an entire search string or just the first one.
objREGEXP.IgnoreCase = True 'Sets a Boolean value that indicates if a pattern search is case-sensitive or not.
' ============= Error handling =================================================
If WScript.Arguments.Count() <> 1 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "This script takes one argumants" & VbCrLf & "The argumnet should be the WSI file" & VbCrLf, 1
End If
If Not (InStrRev(strWsiFile, ".WSI", -1, vbtextcompare) = (Len(strWsiFile) - 3)) Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "The argument must be a WSI file" & VbCrLf, 1
End If
' ============= Error handling =================================================
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strWsiFile)
objFile.Copy objFile.ParentFolder & "\Backup " & Year(Now) & "-" & Month(Now) & "-" & Day(Now) & " " & Hour(Now) & ";" & Minute(Now) & ";" & Second(Now) & " " & objFile.Name, False
If Bail("Backing up file", 0) <> 0 Then
Bail "Backing up file failed. Quitting!", 0
WScript.Quit -1
End If
strRoot = InputBox("Enter registry root!" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "Valid roots are:" & VbCrLf & "0=HKCR" & VbCrLf & "1=HKCU" & VbCrLf & "2=HKLM" & VbCrLf & "3=HKU", "Registry root", 2)
If Len(strRoot) = 0 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "An invalid root was entered", 1
intRoot = Cint(strRoot)
If intRoot < 0 Or intRoot > 3 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "An invalid root was entered", 1
End If
End If
strKey = InputBox("Enter registry key!" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "Example: SOFTWARE\JOA\ABC", "Registry key")
If Len(strKey) = 0 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "An invalid key was entered", 1
If InStr(1, strKey, "Software\Policies", vbtextcompare) > 0 Or InStr(1, strKey, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies", vbtextcompare) > 0 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "An invalid key was entered", 1
End If
End If
Set objDatabase = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strWsiFile, conmsiOpenDatabaseModeDirect)
Bail "Open DB", 0
AddCustomAction "6", "CA_GetLocalizedGroupsNames", "GetLocalizedGroups", ScriptDir() & "LocalGroupLocalized.vbs", objDatabase
Bail "Add custom action",0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("SELECT `Registry`, `Key` FROM `Registry` WHERE `Root`=" & intRoot)
Bail "Read registry entries for a given root and key", 0
If Not IsObject(objView) Then
End If
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
Do While Not objRecord Is Nothing
If InStr(1, objRecord.StringData(2), strKey, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
strRegistryTable(Ubound(strRegistryTable)) = objRecord.StringData(1)
ReDim Preserve strRegistryTable(Ubound(strRegistryTable) + 1)
End If
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
ReDim Preserve strRegistryTable(Ubound(strRegistryTable) - 1)
' #define KEY_QUERY_VALUE (0x0001)
' #define KEY_SET_VALUE (0x0002)
' #define KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY (0x0004)
' #define KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS (0x0008)
' #define KEY_NOTIFY (0x0010)
' #define KEY_CREATE_LINK (0x0020)
' #define DELETE (0x00010000L)
' #define READ_CONTROL (0x00020000L)
' #define WRITE_DAC (0x00040000L)
' #define WRITE_OWNER (0x00080000L)
For intI = 0 To UBound(strRegistryTable)
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & strRegistryTable(intI) & "', 'Registry', 'Administrators', '983103')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '983103' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & strRegistryTable(intI) & "' AND `Table` = 'Registry' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = 'Administrators'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & strRegistryTable(intI) & "', 'Registry', '[BuiltinUsers]', '196639')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '196639' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & strRegistryTable(intI) & "' AND `Table` = 'Registry' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = '[BuiltinUsers]'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & strRegistryTable(intI) & "', 'Registry', '[PowerUsers]', '196639')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '196639' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & strRegistryTable(intI) & "' AND `Table` = 'Registry' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = '[PowerUsers]'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
strProgId = objHOST.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.wsi\")
strCompileCommand = objHOST.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\" & strProgId & "\shell\CompileWPS\command\")
objREGEXP.Pattern = "%1"
strCompileCommand = objREGEXP.Replace(strCompileCommand, strWsiFile)
If MsgBox("Done! Do you want to compile now?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2 + vbSystemModal, "End") = vbYes Then
objHOST.Run strCompileCommand, 1, False
End if
End Sub
Bail "Stop " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Set objNET = Nothing
Set objHOST = Nothing
' Purpose: Add an action prior to an existing action in InstallExecuteSequence table.
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strActionToAdd = Name of the action to add
' strRelativeToAction = Name of the action to place the action infront of
' objDaBa = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Nothing.
Function AddActionPriorTo(strActionToAdd, strRelativeToAction, objDaBa)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objView, objRecord, intSeqRel, intFreeSeq, blnFree 'objDaBa
blnFree = False
Bail "Creating row in InstallExecuteSequence for " & strActionToAdd, 0
'Set objDaBa = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strDBFile, msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact)
'Bail "Open DB " & strDBFile, 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("SELECT `Action`, `Sequence` FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action`='" & strRelativeToAction & "'")
Bail "Select created for finding sequence relative to",0
Bail "Execute select for finding sequence relative to",0
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
intSeqRel = objRecord.StringData(2)
intFreeSeq = intSeqRel
Bail strRelativeToAction & " found at " & intSeqRel, 0
'Find previous free sequence number
intFreeSeq = intFreeSeq -1
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("SELECT `Action`, `Sequence` FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Sequence`=" & intFreeSeq)
Bail "Select created for finding free sequence",0
Bail "Execute select to find out if sequence " & intFreeSeq & " is free", 0
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
If objRecord Is Nothing Then blnFree = True
Loop Until blnFree
Bail "Free sequence is " & intFreeSeq, 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("INSERT INTO InstallExecuteSequence (`Action`, `Sequence`) VALUES ('" & strActionToAdd & "', '" & intFreeSeq & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for CA " & strActionToAdd, 0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "InstallExecuteSequence row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("UPDATE InstallExecuteSequence SET `Sequence` = '" & intFreeSeq & "' WHERE `Action` = '" & strActionToAdd & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query for CA " & strActionToAdd, 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
End Function
' Purpose: Add a custom action to the CustomAction table.
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strCAType = The custom action type (number)
' strCAName = The Custom action name
' strCASource = The Custom action source
' strFile = The file that should be place in binary table. Path plus file
' objDB = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Explanation of the value returned.
Function AddCustomAction(strCAType, strCAName, strCASource, strFile, objDB)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objView
AddScriptToBinaryTable strCASource, strFile, objDB
Bail "Creating a row in CustumActions table for " & strCAName, 0
Set objView = objDB.OpenView("INSERT INTO CustomAction (`Action`, `Type`, `Source`) VALUES ('" & strCAName & "', '" & strCAType &"', '" & strCASource & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for adding CA " & strCAName, 0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "CustumActions row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDB.OpenView("UPDATE CustomAction SET `Type` = '" & strCAType & "', `Source` = '" & strCASource & "' WHERE `Action` = '" & strCAName & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query uptating " & strCAName, 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
AddActionPriorTo strCAName, "CostFinalize", objDB
End Function
' Purpose: Add an entry in binary table
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strBinName = The name in Binary table
' strFilename = The file that should be place in binary table. Path plus file
' objDB = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Explanation of the value returned.
Function AddScriptToBinaryTable(strBinName, strFilename, objDB)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objVw
Dim objRec
Bail "Creating a row in binary table for " & strFilename, 0
Set objRec = objInstaller.CreateRecord(1)
objRec.SetStream 1, strFilename
Set objVw = objDB.OpenView("INSERT INTO `Binary` (`Name`, `Data`) VALUES ('" & strBinName & "', ?)")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for adding file " & strFilename & " into Binary table", 0
objVw.Execute objRec
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "Binary table row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objVw = objDB.OpenView("UPDATE Binary SET `Data` = ? WHERE `Name` = '" & strBinName & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query for updating file " & strFilename & " in Binary table", 0
objVw.Execute objRec
End if
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
objDB.Commit ' save changes
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
End Function
' Purpose: Returns the directory where the script resides.
' Assumptions: Nothing
' Effects : Nothings
' Inputs: Nothing
' Return Values : The folder including final backslash
Function ScriptDir()
On Error Resume Next
ScriptDir = Mid(WScript.ScriptFullName, 1, Len(WScript.ScriptFullName)- Len(WScript.ScriptName))
End Function
' Purpose: Writes to the application log.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: No argoments.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Function LogIt()
On Error Resume Next
objHOST.LogEvent intCODE, strMARK, objNET.ComputerName
End Function
' Purpose: Catch errors during execution of the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, are defined globaly
' and that the LogIt function exist.
' Effects : Sets intCODE, strMARK.
' Inputs:
' strEvent: The text that will be written to the application eventlog
' and if wanted as a message box to the user.
' intShow: If intShow equals 1 and an error has been generated, an error message is displayed to the user.
' If intShow differs from 1 and an error has been generated, the error is written to the application log.
' If an error has been generated and strEvent contains a string, than the string and the error are logged to the aspplications log.
' Return Values : The error number.
Function Bail(Byval strEvent, intShow)
Dim strERRMESSAGE, intBOX, blnQUIT, intRET, intButton
Bail = Err.Number
If intCODE <> 1 Then intCODE = 4
If Err.Number = 0 And strEvent = vbNullString Then Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
strEVENT = strEVENT & "-Err Number 0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description
intCODE = 1
If intSHOW = 1 Then
Select Case Hex(Err.Number)
'Insert your case numer here
Case Else
' All not handled errors gets here. This case gives the user no second chanse to try again.
strERRMESSAGE = "Unknown error. Please report this to the support."
intBOX = vbCritical
intButton = vbOKOnly + vbDefaultButton1
blnQUIT = True
End Select
intRET = MsgBox(strERRMESSAGE & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strEVENT, intBOX + intButton, conAPPLICATION)
End If
strEVENT = strEVENT & " - OK"
End If
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & strEVENT
If blnQUIT Or intRET = vbNo Then
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & "Premature termination " & Now()
WScript.Quit 1
End If
End Function
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Const conAPPLICATION = "MST LockPermissions RegKey"
' SpecialFolder Constants
Const conWindowsFolder = 0
Const conSystemFolder = 1
Const conTemporaryFolder = 2
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1
Const conmsiOpenDatabaseModeDirect = 2 'Opens a database direct read/write without transaction.
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeCreate = 3
Const msiTransformErrorNone = 0
Const msiTransformValidationNone = 0
Const conFILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0 '0x00000000
Dim intCODE, strMARK
Dim objHOST, objNET
' Creating Objects
Set objNET = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Set objHOST = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim objInstaller ': Set objInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set objInstaller = Wscript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Bail "Start " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Main ' Cals the start subfunction that starts the script
' Purpose: Starts the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: none.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
'Begin to insert Your code here
Dim objDatabaseMaster, objDatabaseIntermediate, objDatabaseTransformed
Dim strMsiFile
Dim strMstFile
Dim strMsiFileName, strMstFileName
Dim objView, objRecord
Dim strRegistryTable()
Dim intI
Dim objFile
ReDim strRegistryTable(0)
Dim strRoot, intRoot, strKey
' ============= Error handling =================================================
If WScript.Arguments.Count() = 0 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "This script takes two argumants" & VbCrLf & "The fisrt is the MSI file" & VbCrLf & "The second is the MST file" & VbCrLf, 1
End if
strMsiFile = WScript.Arguments(0)
If Not (InStrRev(strMsiFile, ".MSI", -1, vbtextcompare) = (Len(strMsiFile) - 3)) Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "The fisrt argument must be a MSI file" & VbCrLf, 1
End If
If WScript.Arguments.Count() = 2 Then
strMstFile = WScript.Arguments(1)
strMstFile = InputBox ("Full path inkl. MST-file name.","MST file path",Mid(WScript.Arguments(0), 1, Len(WScript.Arguments(0))-1) & "t")
End If
If Not (InStrRev(strMstFile, ".MST", -1, vbtextcompare) = (Len(strMstFile) - 3)) Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "The second argument must be a MST file" & VbCrLf, 1
End If
' ============= Error handling =================================================
objFSO.CopyFile strMsiFile, objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\", True 'Create a copy of the Windiws Installer database
objFSO.CopyFile strMstFile, objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\", True 'Create a copy of the Windiws Installer transform
If InStrRev(strMsiFile,"\", -1, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
strMsiFileName = Mid(strMsiFile, InStrRev(strMsiFile,"\", -1, vbTextCompare)+1)
strMsiFileName = strMsiFile
End If
If InStrRev(strMstFile,"\", -1, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
strMstFileName = Mid(strMstFile, InStrRev(strMstFile,"\", -1, vbTextCompare)+1)
strMstFileName = strMstFile
End If
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\" & strMsiFileName)
objFile.Attributes = conFILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
strRoot = InputBox("Enter registry root!" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "Valid roots are:" & VbCrLf & "0=HKCR" & VbCrLf & "1=HKCU" & VbCrLf & "2=HKLM" & VbCrLf & "3=HKU", "Registry root", 2)
If Len(strRoot) = 0 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "An invalid root was entered", 1
intRoot = Cint(strRoot)
If intRoot < 0 Or intRoot > 3 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "An invalid root was entered", 1
End If
End If
strKey = InputBox("Enter registry key!" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "Example: SOFTWARE\JOA\ABC", "Registry key")
If Len(strKey) = 0 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "An invalid key was entered", 1
If InStr(1, strKey, "Software\Policies", vbtextcompare) > 0 Or InStr(1, strKey, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies", vbtextcompare) > 0 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "An invalid key was entered", 1
End If
End If
Set objDatabaseTransformed = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\" & strMsiFileName, conmsiOpenDatabaseModeDirect)
Bail "Open DB", 0
objDatabaseTransformed.ApplyTransform objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\" & strMstFileName, 0 '256 '63+256
Bail "Apply transform", 0
AddCustomAction "6", "CA_GetLocalizedGroupsNames", "GetLocalizedGroups", ScriptDir() & "LocalGroupLocalized.vbs", objDatabaseTransformed
Bail "Add custom action",0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("SELECT `Registry`, `Key` FROM `Registry` WHERE `Root`=" & intRoot)
Bail "Read registry entries for a given root and key", 0
If Not IsObject(objView) Then
End If
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
Do While Not objRecord Is Nothing
If InStr(1, objRecord.StringData(2), strKey, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
strRegistryTable(Ubound(strRegistryTable)) = objRecord.StringData(1)
ReDim Preserve strRegistryTable(Ubound(strRegistryTable) + 1)
End If
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
ReDim Preserve strRegistryTable(Ubound(strRegistryTable) - 1)
' #define KEY_QUERY_VALUE (0x0001)
' #define KEY_SET_VALUE (0x0002)
' #define KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY (0x0004)
' #define KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS (0x0008)
' #define KEY_NOTIFY (0x0010)
' #define KEY_CREATE_LINK (0x0020)
' #define DELETE (0x00010000L)
' #define READ_CONTROL (0x00020000L)
' #define WRITE_DAC (0x00040000L)
' #define WRITE_OWNER (0x00080000L)
For intI = 0 To UBound(strRegistryTable)
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & strRegistryTable(intI) & "', 'Registry', 'Administrators', '983103')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '983103' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & strRegistryTable(intI) & "' AND `Table` = 'Registry' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = 'Administrators'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & strRegistryTable(intI) & "', 'Registry', '[BuiltinUsers]', '196639')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '196639' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & strRegistryTable(intI) & "' AND `Table` = 'Registry' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = '[BuiltinUsers]'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & strRegistryTable(intI) & "', 'Registry', '[PowerUsers]', '196639')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '196639' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & strRegistryTable(intI) & "' AND `Table` = 'Registry' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = '[PowerUsers]'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
Set objDatabaseMaster = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strMsiFile, msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly)
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs") Then objFSO.CreateFolder objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs"
If objFSO.FileExists(objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs\" & strMstFileName) Then objFSO.DeleteFile objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs\" & strMstFileName, True
objDatabaseTransformed.GenerateTransform objDatabaseMaster, objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs\" & strMstFileName
Bail "Create Transform", 0
objDatabaseTransformed.CreateTransformSummaryInfo objDatabaseMaster, objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs\" & strMstFileName, msiTransformErrorNone, msiTransformValidationNone
Bail "CreateTransformSummaryInfo", 0
objHOST.Run """" & objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs" & """", 1, False
End Sub
Bail "Stop " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Set objNET = Nothing
Set objHOST = Nothing
' Purpose: Add an action prior to an existing action in InstallExecuteSequence table.
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strActionToAdd = Name of the action to add
' strRelativeToAction = Name of the action to place the action infront of
' objDaBa = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Nothing.
Function AddActionPriorTo(strActionToAdd, strRelativeToAction, objDaBa)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objView, objRecord, intSeqRel, intFreeSeq, blnFree 'objDaBa
blnFree = False
Bail "Creating row in InstallExecuteSequence for " & strActionToAdd, 0
'Set objDaBa = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strDBFile, msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact)
'Bail "Open DB " & strDBFile, 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("SELECT `Action`, `Sequence` FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action`='" & strRelativeToAction & "'")
Bail "Select created for finding sequence relative to",0
Bail "Execute select for finding sequence relative to",0
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
intSeqRel = objRecord.StringData(2)
intFreeSeq = intSeqRel
Bail strRelativeToAction & " found at " & intSeqRel, 0
'Find previous free sequence number
intFreeSeq = intFreeSeq -1
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("SELECT `Action`, `Sequence` FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Sequence`=" & intFreeSeq)
Bail "Select created for finding free sequence",0
Bail "Execute select to find out if sequence " & intFreeSeq & " is free", 0
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
If objRecord Is Nothing Then blnFree = True
Loop Until blnFree
Bail "Free sequence is " & intFreeSeq, 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("INSERT INTO InstallExecuteSequence (`Action`, `Sequence`) VALUES ('" & strActionToAdd & "', '" & intFreeSeq & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for CA " & strActionToAdd, 0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "InstallExecuteSequence row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("UPDATE InstallExecuteSequence SET `Sequence` = '" & intFreeSeq & "' WHERE `Action` = '" & strActionToAdd & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query for CA " & strActionToAdd, 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
End Function
' Purpose: Add a custom action to the CustomAction table.
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strCAType = The custom action type (number)
' strCAName = The Custom action name
' strCASource = The Custom action source
' strFile = The file that should be place in binary table. Path plus file
' objDB = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Explanation of the value returned.
Function AddCustomAction(strCAType, strCAName, strCASource, strFile, objDB)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objView
AddScriptToBinaryTable strCASource, strFile, objDB
Bail "Creating a row in CustumActions table for " & strCAName, 0
Set objView = objDB.OpenView("INSERT INTO CustomAction (`Action`, `Type`, `Source`) VALUES ('" & strCAName & "', '" & strCAType &"', '" & strCASource & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for adding CA " & strCAName, 0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "CustumActions row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDB.OpenView("UPDATE CustomAction SET `Type` = '" & strCAType & "', `Source` = '" & strCASource & "' WHERE `Action` = '" & strCAName & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query uptating " & strCAName, 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
AddActionPriorTo strCAName, "CostFinalize", objDB
End Function
' Purpose: Add an entry in binary table
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strBinName = The name in Binary table
' strFilename = The file that should be place in binary table. Path plus file
' objDB = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Explanation of the value returned.
Function AddScriptToBinaryTable(strBinName, strFilename, objDB)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objVw
Dim objRec
Bail "Creating a row in binary table for " & strFilename, 0
Set objRec = objInstaller.CreateRecord(1)
objRec.SetStream 1, strFilename
Set objVw = objDB.OpenView("INSERT INTO `Binary` (`Name`, `Data`) VALUES ('" & strBinName & "', ?)")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for adding file " & strFilename & " into Binary table", 0
objVw.Execute objRec
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "Binary table row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objVw = objDB.OpenView("UPDATE Binary SET `Data` = ? WHERE `Name` = '" & strBinName & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query for updating file " & strFilename & " in Binary table", 0
objVw.Execute objRec
End if
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
objDB.Commit ' save changes
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
End Function
' Purpose: Returns the directory where the script resides.
' Assumptions: Nothing
' Effects : Nothings
' Inputs: Nothing
' Return Values : The folder including final backslash
Function ScriptDir()
On Error Resume Next
ScriptDir = Mid(WScript.ScriptFullName, 1, Len(WScript.ScriptFullName)- Len(WScript.ScriptName))
End Function
' Purpose: Writes to the application log.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: No argoments.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Function LogIt()
On Error Resume Next
objHOST.LogEvent intCODE, strMARK, objNET.ComputerName
End Function
' Purpose: Catch errors during execution of the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, are defined globaly
' and that the LogIt function exist.
' Effects : Sets intCODE, strMARK.
' Inputs:
' strEvent: The text that will be written to the application eventlog
' and if wanted as a message box to the user.
' intShow: If intShow equals 1 and an error has been generated, an error message is displayed to the user.
' If intShow differs from 1 and an error has been generated, the error is written to the application log.
' If an error has been generated and strEvent contains a string, than the string and the error are logged to the aspplications log.
' Return Values : The error number.
Function Bail(Byval strEvent, intShow)
Dim strERRMESSAGE, intBOX, blnQUIT, intRET, intButton
Bail = Err.Number
If intCODE <> 1 Then intCODE = 4
If Err.Number = 0 And strEvent = vbNullString Then Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
strEVENT = strEVENT & "-Err Number 0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description
intCODE = 1
If intSHOW = 1 Then
Select Case Hex(Err.Number)
'Insert your case numer here
Case Else
' All not handled errors gets here. This case gives the user no second chanse to try again.
strERRMESSAGE = "Unknown error. Please report this to the support."
intBOX = vbCritical
intButton = vbOKOnly + vbDefaultButton1
blnQUIT = True
End Select
intRET = MsgBox(strERRMESSAGE & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strEVENT, intBOX + intButton, conAPPLICATION)
End If
strEVENT = strEVENT & " - OK"
End If
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & strEVENT
If blnQUIT Or intRET = vbNo Then
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & "Premature termination " & Now()
WScript.Quit 1
End If
End Function
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Const conAPPLICATION = "LockPermissions Folder addition"
' SpecialFolder Constants
Const conWindowsFolder = 0
Const conSystemFolder = 1
Const conTemporaryFolder = 2
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1
Const conmsiOpenDatabaseModeDirect = 2 'Opens a database direct read/write without transaction.
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeCreate = 3
Dim intCODE, strMARK
Dim objHOST, objNET
' Creating Objects
Set objNET = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Set objHOST = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim objInstaller : Set objInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim strWsiFile : strWsiFile = WScript.Arguments(0)
Dim intRoot, strRoot
Dim strKey
Bail "Start " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Main ' Cals the start subfunction that starts the script
' Purpose: Starts the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: none.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
'Begin to insert Your code here
Dim objFile
Dim objDatabase, objView, objRecord
Dim strRegistryTable()
ReDim strRegistryTable(0)
Dim intI
Dim strProgId 'WfWIWSI.Document
Dim strCompileCommand '"C:\Program Files\Altiris\Wise Package Studio\Windows Installer Editor\WfWI.exe" "%1" /c
Dim strFolder_, strComponent_
Dim objREGEXP : Set objREGEXP = New RegExp
Dim objMatches, objMatch
objREGEXP.Global = True 'Sets a Boolean value that indicates if a pattern should match all occurrences in an entire search string or just the first one.
objREGEXP.IgnoreCase = True 'Sets a Boolean value that indicates if a pattern search is case-sensitive or not.
' ============= Error handling =================================================
If WScript.Arguments.Count() <> 1 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "This script takes one argumants" & VbCrLf & "The argumnet should be the WSI file" & VbCrLf, 1
End If
If Not (InStrRev(strWsiFile, ".WSI", -1, vbtextcompare) = (Len(strWsiFile) - 3)) Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "The argument must be a WSI file" & VbCrLf, 1
End If
' ============= Error handling =================================================
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strWsiFile)
objFile.Copy objFile.ParentFolder & "\Backup " & Year(Now) & "-" & Month(Now) & "-" & Day(Now) & " " & Hour(Now) & ";" & Minute(Now) & ";" & Second(Now) & " " & objFile.Name, False
If Bail("Backing up file", 0) <> 0 Then
Bail "Backing up file failed. Quitting!", 0
WScript.Quit -1
End If
strFolder_ = InputBox("Enter Folder property!" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "(from the first collumn of the Directory table for the folder you want to change permissions for)", "Primary key in Directory table")
strComponent_ = InputBox("Enter Component property!" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "(from the first collumn of the Component table for the component you want to be responsible for changing the permissions)", "Primary key in Directory table")
' #define SYNCHRONIZE (0x00100000L) = 1048576 dec
' Traverse Folder/Execute File
' #define FILE_EXECUTE ( 0x0020 ) // file
' #define FILE_TRAVERSE ( 0x0020 ) // directory
' List Folder/Read data
' #define FILE_READ_DATA ( 0x0001 ) // file & pipe
' #define FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY ( 0x0001 ) // directory
' Read Attributes
' #define FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES ( 0x0080 ) // all
' Read Extended Attributes
' #define FILE_READ_EA ( 0x0008 ) // file & directory
' Create files/write data
' #define FILE_WRITE_DATA ( 0x0002 ) // file & pipe
' #define FILE_ADD_FILE ( 0x0002 ) // directory
' Create Folders/Append data
' #define FILE_APPEND_DATA ( 0x0004 ) // file
' #define FILE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY ( 0x0004 ) // directory
' #define FILE_CREATE_PIPE_INSTANCE ( 0x0004 ) // named pipe
' Write attributes
' #define FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES ( 0x0100 ) // all
' Write Extended attributes
' #define FILE_WRITE_EA ( 0x0010 ) // file & directory
' Delete
' #define DELETE (0x00010000L)
' Read permission
' #define READ_CONTROL (0x00020000L)
' Power Users in Program Files
' Sum SYNCHRO Total
' Total = 301BF = 197055 + 1048576 = 1245631
' Administrators
' #define FILE_DELETE_CHILD ( 0x0040 ) // directory
' #define WRITE_DAC (0x00040000L)
' #define WRITE_OWNER (0x00080000L)
' Sum SYNCHRO Total
' File/Folder Total = 301BF + 40 + 40000 + 80000 = F01FF = 983551 + 1048576 = 2032127
Set objDatabase = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strWsiFile, conmsiOpenDatabaseModeDirect)
Bail "Open DB", 0
AddCustomAction "6", "CA_GetLocalizedGroupsNames", "GetLocalizedGroups", ScriptDir() & "LocalGroupLocalized.vbs", objDatabase
Bail "Add custom action",0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & strFolder_ & "', 'CreateFolder', 'Administrators', '2032127')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '2032127' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & strFolder_ & "' AND `Table` = 'CreateFolder' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = 'Administrators'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & strFolder_ & "', 'CreateFolder', '[BuiltinUsers]', '1245631')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '1245631' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & strFolder_ & "' AND `Table` = 'CreateFolder' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = '[BuiltinUsers]'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & strFolder_ & "', 'CreateFolder', '[PowerUsers]', '1245631')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '1245631' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & strFolder_ & "' AND `Table` = 'CreateFolder' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = '[PowerUsers]'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("INSERT INTO CreateFolder (`Directory_`, `Component_`) VALUES ('" & strFolder_ & "', '" & strComponent_ & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "CreateFolder row exists. Do nothing", 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
strProgId = objHOST.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.wsi\")
strCompileCommand = objHOST.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\" & strProgId & "\shell\CompileWPS\command\")
objREGEXP.Pattern = "%1"
strCompileCommand = objREGEXP.Replace(strCompileCommand, strWsiFile)
If MsgBox("Done! Do you want to compile now?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2 + vbSystemModal, "End") = vbYes Then
objHOST.Run strCompileCommand, 1, False
End if
End Sub
Bail "Stop " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Set objNET = Nothing
Set objHOST = Nothing
' Purpose: Add an action prior to an existing action in InstallExecuteSequence table.
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strActionToAdd = Name of the action to add
' strRelativeToAction = Name of the action to place the action infront of
' objDaBa = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Nothing.
Function AddActionPriorTo(strActionToAdd, strRelativeToAction, objDaBa)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objView, objRecord, intSeqRel, intFreeSeq, blnFree 'objDaBa
blnFree = False
Bail "Creating row in InstallExecuteSequence for " & strActionToAdd, 0
'Set objDaBa = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strDBFile, msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact)
'Bail "Open DB " & strDBFile, 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("SELECT `Action`, `Sequence` FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action`='" & strRelativeToAction & "'")
Bail "Select created for finding sequence relative to",0
Bail "Execute select for finding sequence relative to",0
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
intSeqRel = objRecord.StringData(2)
intFreeSeq = intSeqRel
Bail strRelativeToAction & " found at " & intSeqRel, 0
'Find previous free sequence number
intFreeSeq = intFreeSeq -1
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("SELECT `Action`, `Sequence` FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Sequence`=" & intFreeSeq)
Bail "Select created for finding free sequence",0
Bail "Execute select to find out if sequence " & intFreeSeq & " is free", 0
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
If objRecord Is Nothing Then blnFree = True
Loop Until blnFree
Bail "Free sequence is " & intFreeSeq, 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("INSERT INTO InstallExecuteSequence (`Action`, `Sequence`) VALUES ('" & strActionToAdd & "', '" & intFreeSeq & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for CA " & strActionToAdd, 0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "InstallExecuteSequence row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("UPDATE InstallExecuteSequence SET `Sequence` = '" & intFreeSeq & "' WHERE `Action` = '" & strActionToAdd & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query for CA " & strActionToAdd, 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
End Function
' Purpose: Add a custom action to the CustomAction table.
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strCAType = The custom action type (number)
' strCAName = The Custom action name
' strCASource = The Custom action source
' strFile = The file that should be place in binary table. Path plus file
' objDB = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Explanation of the value returned.
Function AddCustomAction(strCAType, strCAName, strCASource, strFile, objDB)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objView
AddScriptToBinaryTable strCASource, strFile, objDB
Bail "Creating a row in CustumActions table for " & strCAName, 0
Set objView = objDB.OpenView("INSERT INTO CustomAction (`Action`, `Type`, `Source`) VALUES ('" & strCAName & "', '" & strCAType &"', '" & strCASource & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for adding CA " & strCAName, 0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "CustumActions row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDB.OpenView("UPDATE CustomAction SET `Type` = '" & strCAType & "', `Source` = '" & strCASource & "' WHERE `Action` = '" & strCAName & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query uptating " & strCAName, 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
AddActionPriorTo strCAName, "CostFinalize", objDB
End Function
' Purpose: Add an entry in binary table
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strBinName = The name in Binary table
' strFilename = The file that should be place in binary table. Path plus file
' objDB = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Explanation of the value returned.
Function AddScriptToBinaryTable(strBinName, strFilename, objDB)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objVw
Dim objRec
Bail "Creating a row in binary table for " & strFilename, 0
Set objRec = objInstaller.CreateRecord(1)
objRec.SetStream 1, strFilename
Set objVw = objDB.OpenView("INSERT INTO `Binary` (`Name`, `Data`) VALUES ('" & strBinName & "', ?)")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for adding file " & strFilename & " into Binary table", 0
objVw.Execute objRec
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "Binary table row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objVw = objDB.OpenView("UPDATE Binary SET `Data` = ? WHERE `Name` = '" & strBinName & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query for updating file " & strFilename & " in Binary table", 0
objVw.Execute objRec
End if
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
objDB.Commit ' save changes
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
End Function
' Purpose: Returns the directory where the script resides.
' Assumptions: Nothing
' Effects : Nothings
' Inputs: Nothing
' Return Values : The folder including final backslash
Function ScriptDir()
On Error Resume Next
ScriptDir = Mid(WScript.ScriptFullName, 1, Len(WScript.ScriptFullName)- Len(WScript.ScriptName))
End Function
' Purpose: Writes to the application log.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: No argoments.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Function LogIt()
On Error Resume Next
objHOST.LogEvent intCODE, strMARK, objNET.ComputerName
End Function
' Purpose: Catch errors during execution of the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, are defined globaly
' and that the LogIt function exist.
' Effects : Sets intCODE, strMARK.
' Inputs:
' strEvent: The text that will be written to the application eventlog
' and if wanted as a message box to the user.
' intShow: If intShow equals 1 and an error has been generated, an error message is displayed to the user.
' If intShow differs from 1 and an error has been generated, the error is written to the application log.
' If an error has been generated and strEvent contains a string, than the string and the error are logged to the aspplications log.
' Return Values : The error number.
Function Bail(Byval strEvent, intShow)
Dim strERRMESSAGE, intBOX, blnQUIT, intRET, intButton
Bail = Err.Number
If intCODE <> 1 Then intCODE = 4
If Err.Number = 0 And strEvent = vbNullString Then Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
strEVENT = strEVENT & "-Err Number 0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description
intCODE = 1
If intSHOW = 1 Then
Select Case Hex(Err.Number)
'Insert your case numer here
Case Else
' All not handled errors gets here. This case gives the user no second chanse to try again.
strERRMESSAGE = "Unknown error. Please report this to the support."
intBOX = vbCritical
intButton = vbOKOnly + vbDefaultButton1
blnQUIT = True
End Select
intRET = MsgBox(strERRMESSAGE & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strEVENT, intBOX + intButton, conAPPLICATION)
End If
strEVENT = strEVENT & " - OK"
End If
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & strEVENT
If blnQUIT Or intRET = vbNo Then
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & "Premature termination " & Now()
WScript.Quit 1
End If
End Function
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Const conAPPLICATION = "MST LockPermissions Folder"
' SpecialFolder Constants
Const conWindowsFolder = 0
Const conSystemFolder = 1
Const conTemporaryFolder = 2
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1
Const conmsiOpenDatabaseModeDirect = 2 'Opens a database direct read/write without transaction.
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeCreate = 3
Const msiTransformErrorNone = 0
Const msiTransformValidationNone = 0
Const conFILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0 '0x00000000
Dim intCODE, strMARK
Dim objHOST, objNET
' Creating Objects
Set objNET = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Set objHOST = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim objInstaller ': Set objInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set objInstaller = Wscript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Bail "Start " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Main ' Cals the start subfunction that starts the script
' Purpose: Starts the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: none.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
'Begin to insert Your code here
Dim objDatabaseMaster, objDatabaseIntermediate, objDatabaseTransformed
Dim strMsiFile
Dim strMstFile
Dim strMsiFileName, strMstFileName
Dim objView, objRecord
Dim strRegistryTable()
Dim intI
Dim objFile
ReDim strRegistryTable(0)
Dim strFolder_, strComponent_, strKey
' ============= Error handling =================================================
If WScript.Arguments.Count() = 0 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "This script takes two argumants" & VbCrLf & "The fisrt is the MSI file" & VbCrLf & "The second is the MST file" & VbCrLf, 1
End if
strMsiFile = WScript.Arguments(0)
If Not (InStrRev(strMsiFile, ".MSI", -1, vbtextcompare) = (Len(strMsiFile) - 3)) Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "The fisrt argument must be a MSI file" & VbCrLf, 1
End If
If WScript.Arguments.Count() = 2 Then
strMstFile = WScript.Arguments(1)
strMstFile = InputBox ("Full path inkl. MST-file name.","MST file path",Mid(WScript.Arguments(0), 1, Len(WScript.Arguments(0))-1) & "t")
End If
If Not (InStrRev(strMstFile, ".MST", -1, vbtextcompare) = (Len(strMstFile) - 3)) Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "The second argument must be a MST file" & VbCrLf, 1
End If
' ============= Error handling =================================================
objFSO.CopyFile strMsiFile, objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\", True 'Create a copy of the Windiws Installer database
objFSO.CopyFile strMstFile, objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\", True 'Create a copy of the Windiws Installer transform
If InStrRev(strMsiFile,"\", -1, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
strMsiFileName = Mid(strMsiFile, InStrRev(strMsiFile,"\", -1, vbTextCompare)+1)
strMsiFileName = strMsiFile
End If
If InStrRev(strMstFile,"\", -1, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
strMstFileName = Mid(strMstFile, InStrRev(strMstFile,"\", -1, vbTextCompare)+1)
strMstFileName = strMstFile
End If
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\" & strMsiFileName)
objFile.Attributes = conFILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
strFolder_ = InputBox("Enter Folder property!" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "(from the first collumn of the Directory table for the folder you want to change permissions for)", "Primary key in Directory table")
If Len(strFolder_) = 0 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "User aborted folder property input", 1
End If
strComponent_ = InputBox("Enter Component property!" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "(from the first collumn of the Component table for the component you want to be responsible for changing the permissions)", "Primary key in Directory table")
If Len(strComponent_) = 0 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "User aborted component property input", 1
End If
Set objDatabaseTransformed = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\" & strMsiFileName, conmsiOpenDatabaseModeDirect)
Bail "Open DB", 0
objDatabaseTransformed.ApplyTransform objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\" & strMstFileName, 0 '256 '63+256
Bail "Apply transform", 0
AddCustomAction "6", "CA_GetLocalizedGroupsNames", "GetLocalizedGroups", ScriptDir() & "LocalGroupLocalized.vbs", objDatabaseTransformed
Bail "Add custom action",0
' #define SYNCHRONIZE (0x00100000L) = 1048576 dec
' Traverse Folder/Execute File
' #define FILE_EXECUTE ( 0x0020 ) // file
' #define FILE_TRAVERSE ( 0x0020 ) // directory
' List Folder/Read data
' #define FILE_READ_DATA ( 0x0001 ) // file & pipe
' #define FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY ( 0x0001 ) // directory
' Read Attributes
' #define FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES ( 0x0080 ) // all
' Read Extended Attributes
' #define FILE_READ_EA ( 0x0008 ) // file & directory
' Create files/write data
' #define FILE_WRITE_DATA ( 0x0002 ) // file & pipe
' #define FILE_ADD_FILE ( 0x0002 ) // directory
' Create Folders/Append data
' #define FILE_APPEND_DATA ( 0x0004 ) // file
' #define FILE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY ( 0x0004 ) // directory
' #define FILE_CREATE_PIPE_INSTANCE ( 0x0004 ) // named pipe
' Write attributes
' #define FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES ( 0x0100 ) // all
' Write Extended attributes
' #define FILE_WRITE_EA ( 0x0010 ) // file & directory
' Delete
' #define DELETE (0x00010000L)
' Read permission
' #define READ_CONTROL (0x00020000L)
' Power Users in Program Files
' Sum SYNCHRO Total
' Total = 301BF = 197055 + 1048576 = 1245631
' Administrators
' #define FILE_DELETE_CHILD ( 0x0040 ) // directory
' #define WRITE_DAC (0x00040000L)
' #define WRITE_OWNER (0x00080000L)
' Sum SYNCHRO Total
' File/Folder Total = 301BF + 40 + 40000 + 80000 = F01FF = 983551 + 1048576 = 2032127
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & strFolder_ & "', 'CreateFolder', 'Administrators', '2032127')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '2032127' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & strFolder_ & "' AND `Table` = 'CreateFolder' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = 'Administrators'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & strFolder_ & "', 'CreateFolder', '[BuiltinUsers]', '1245631')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '1245631' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & strFolder_ & "' AND `Table` = 'CreateFolder' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = '[BuiltinUsers]'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & strFolder_ & "', 'CreateFolder', '[PowerUsers]', '1245631')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '1245631' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & strFolder_ & "' AND `Table` = 'CreateFolder' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = '[PowerUsers]'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("INSERT INTO CreateFolder (`Directory_`, `Component_`) VALUES ('" & strFolder_ & "', '" & strComponent_ & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "CreateFolder row exists. Do nothing", 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
Set objDatabaseMaster = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strMsiFile, msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly)
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs") Then objFSO.CreateFolder objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs"
If objFSO.FileExists(objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs\" & strMstFileName) Then objFSO.DeleteFile objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs\" & strMstFileName, True
objDatabaseTransformed.GenerateTransform objDatabaseMaster, objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs\" & strMstFileName
Bail "Create Transform", 0
objDatabaseTransformed.CreateTransformSummaryInfo objDatabaseMaster, objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs\" & strMstFileName, msiTransformErrorNone, msiTransformValidationNone
Bail "CreateTransformSummaryInfo", 0
objHOST.Run """" & objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs" & """", 1 , False
End Sub
Bail "Stop " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Set objNET = Nothing
Set objHOST = Nothing
' Purpose: Add an action prior to an existing action in InstallExecuteSequence table.
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strActionToAdd = Name of the action to add
' strRelativeToAction = Name of the action to place the action infront of
' objDaBa = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Nothing.
Function AddActionPriorTo(strActionToAdd, strRelativeToAction, objDaBa)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objView, objRecord, intSeqRel, intFreeSeq, blnFree 'objDaBa
blnFree = False
Bail "Creating row in InstallExecuteSequence for " & strActionToAdd, 0
'Set objDaBa = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strDBFile, msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact)
'Bail "Open DB " & strDBFile, 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("SELECT `Action`, `Sequence` FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action`='" & strRelativeToAction & "'")
Bail "Select created for finding sequence relative to",0
Bail "Execute select for finding sequence relative to",0
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
intSeqRel = objRecord.StringData(2)
intFreeSeq = intSeqRel
Bail strRelativeToAction & " found at " & intSeqRel, 0
'Find previous free sequence number
intFreeSeq = intFreeSeq -1
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("SELECT `Action`, `Sequence` FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Sequence`=" & intFreeSeq)
Bail "Select created for finding free sequence",0
Bail "Execute select to find out if sequence " & intFreeSeq & " is free", 0
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
If objRecord Is Nothing Then blnFree = True
Loop Until blnFree
Bail "Free sequence is " & intFreeSeq, 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("INSERT INTO InstallExecuteSequence (`Action`, `Sequence`) VALUES ('" & strActionToAdd & "', '" & intFreeSeq & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for CA " & strActionToAdd, 0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "InstallExecuteSequence row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("UPDATE InstallExecuteSequence SET `Sequence` = '" & intFreeSeq & "' WHERE `Action` = '" & strActionToAdd & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query for CA " & strActionToAdd, 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
End Function
' Purpose: Add a custom action to the CustomAction table.
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strCAType = The custom action type (number)
' strCAName = The Custom action name
' strCASource = The Custom action source
' strFile = The file that should be place in binary table. Path plus file
' objDB = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Explanation of the value returned.
Function AddCustomAction(strCAType, strCAName, strCASource, strFile, objDB)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objView
AddScriptToBinaryTable strCASource, strFile, objDB
Bail "Creating a row in CustumActions table for " & strCAName, 0
Set objView = objDB.OpenView("INSERT INTO CustomAction (`Action`, `Type`, `Source`) VALUES ('" & strCAName & "', '" & strCAType &"', '" & strCASource & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for adding CA " & strCAName, 0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "CustumActions row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDB.OpenView("UPDATE CustomAction SET `Type` = '" & strCAType & "', `Source` = '" & strCASource & "' WHERE `Action` = '" & strCAName & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query uptating " & strCAName, 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
AddActionPriorTo strCAName, "CostFinalize", objDB
End Function
' Purpose: Add an entry in binary table
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strBinName = The name in Binary table
' strFilename = The file that should be place in binary table. Path plus file
' objDB = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Explanation of the value returned.
Function AddScriptToBinaryTable(strBinName, strFilename, objDB)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objVw
Dim objRec
Bail "Creating a row in binary table for " & strFilename, 0
Set objRec = objInstaller.CreateRecord(1)
objRec.SetStream 1, strFilename
Set objVw = objDB.OpenView("INSERT INTO `Binary` (`Name`, `Data`) VALUES ('" & strBinName & "', ?)")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for adding file " & strFilename & " into Binary table", 0
objVw.Execute objRec
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "Binary table row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objVw = objDB.OpenView("UPDATE Binary SET `Data` = ? WHERE `Name` = '" & strBinName & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query for updating file " & strFilename & " in Binary table", 0
objVw.Execute objRec
End if
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
objDB.Commit ' save changes
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
End Function
' Purpose: Returns the directory where the script resides.
' Assumptions: Nothing
' Effects : Nothings
' Inputs: Nothing
' Return Values : The folder including final backslash
Function ScriptDir()
On Error Resume Next
ScriptDir = Mid(WScript.ScriptFullName, 1, Len(WScript.ScriptFullName)- Len(WScript.ScriptName))
End Function
' Purpose: Writes to the application log.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: No argoments.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Function LogIt()
On Error Resume Next
objHOST.LogEvent intCODE, strMARK, objNET.ComputerName
End Function
' Purpose: Catch errors during execution of the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, are defined globaly
' and that the LogIt function exist.
' Effects : Sets intCODE, strMARK.
' Inputs:
' strEvent: The text that will be written to the application eventlog
' and if wanted as a message box to the user.
' intShow: If intShow equals 1 and an error has been generated, an error message is displayed to the user.
' If intShow differs from 1 and an error has been generated, the error is written to the application log.
' If an error has been generated and strEvent contains a string, than the string and the error are logged to the aspplications log.
' Return Values : The error number.
Function Bail(Byval strEvent, intShow)
Dim strERRMESSAGE, intBOX, blnQUIT, intRET, intButton
Bail = Err.Number
If intCODE <> 1 Then intCODE = 4
If Err.Number = 0 And strEvent = vbNullString Then Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
strEVENT = strEVENT & "-Err Number 0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description
intCODE = 1
If intSHOW = 1 Then
Select Case Hex(Err.Number)
'Insert your case numer here
Case Else
' All not handled errors gets here. This case gives the user no second chanse to try again.
strERRMESSAGE = "Unknown error. Please report this to the support."
intBOX = vbCritical
intButton = vbOKOnly + vbDefaultButton1
blnQUIT = True
End Select
intRET = MsgBox(strERRMESSAGE & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strEVENT, intBOX + intButton, conAPPLICATION)
End If
strEVENT = strEVENT & " - OK"
End If
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & strEVENT
If blnQUIT Or intRET = vbNo Then
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & "Premature termination " & Now()
WScript.Quit 1
End If
End Function
LockPermissions_File_WSI .vbs:
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Const conAPPLICATION = "LockPermissions File addition"
' SpecialFolder Constants
Const conWindowsFolder = 0
Const conSystemFolder = 1
Const conTemporaryFolder = 2
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1
Const conmsiOpenDatabaseModeDirect = 2 'Opens a database direct read/write without transaction.
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeCreate = 3
Dim intCODE, strMARK
Dim objHOST, objNET
' Creating Objects
Set objNET = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Set objHOST = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim objInstaller : Set objInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim strWsiFile : strWsiFile = WScript.Arguments(0)
Dim intRoot, strRoot
Dim strKey
Bail "Start " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Main ' Cals the start subfunction that starts the script
' Purpose: Starts the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: none.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
'Begin to insert Your code here
Dim objFile
Dim objDatabase, objView, objRecord
Dim strRegistryTable()
ReDim strRegistryTable(0)
Dim intI
Dim strProgId 'WfWIWSI.Document
Dim strCompileCommand '"C:\Program Files\Altiris\Wise Package Studio\Windows Installer Editor\WfWI.exe" "%1" /c
Dim str_File
Dim objREGEXP : Set objREGEXP = New RegExp
Dim objMatches, objMatch
objREGEXP.Global = True 'Sets a Boolean value that indicates if a pattern should match all occurrences in an entire search string or just the first one.
objREGEXP.IgnoreCase = True 'Sets a Boolean value that indicates if a pattern search is case-sensitive or not.
' ============= Error handling =================================================
If WScript.Arguments.Count() <> 1 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "This script takes one argumants" & VbCrLf & "The argumnet should be the WSI file" & VbCrLf, 1
End If
If Not (InStrRev(strWsiFile, ".WSI", -1, vbtextcompare) = (Len(strWsiFile) - 3)) Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "The argument must be a WSI file" & VbCrLf, 1
End If
' ============= Error handling =================================================
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strWsiFile)
objFile.Copy objFile.ParentFolder & "\Backup " & Year(Now) & "-" & Month(Now) & "-" & Day(Now) & " " & Hour(Now) & ";" & Minute(Now) & ";" & Second(Now) & " " & objFile.Name, False
If Bail("Backing up file", 0) <> 0 Then
Bail "Backing up file failed. Quitting!", 0
WScript.Quit -1
End If
str_File = InputBox("Enter File property!" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "(from the first collumn of the file table for the file you want to change permissions for)", "Primary key in File table")
' #define SYNCHRONIZE (0x00100000L) = 1048576 dec
' Traverse Folder/Execute File
' #define FILE_EXECUTE ( 0x0020 ) // file
' #define FILE_TRAVERSE ( 0x0020 ) // directory
' List Folder/Read data
' #define FILE_READ_DATA ( 0x0001 ) // file & pipe
' #define FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY ( 0x0001 ) // directory
' Read Attributes
' #define FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES ( 0x0080 ) // all
' Read Extended Attributes
' #define FILE_READ_EA ( 0x0008 ) // file & directory
' Create files/write data
' #define FILE_WRITE_DATA ( 0x0002 ) // file & pipe
' #define FILE_ADD_FILE ( 0x0002 ) // directory
' Create Folders/Append data
' #define FILE_APPEND_DATA ( 0x0004 ) // file
' #define FILE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY ( 0x0004 ) // directory
' #define FILE_CREATE_PIPE_INSTANCE ( 0x0004 ) // named pipe
' Write attributes
' #define FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES ( 0x0100 ) // all
' Write Extended attributes
' #define FILE_WRITE_EA ( 0x0010 ) // file & directory
' Delete
' #define DELETE (0x00010000L)
' Read permission
' #define READ_CONTROL (0x00020000L)
' Power Users in Program Files
' Sum SYNCHRO Total
' Total = 301BF = 197055 + 1048576 = 1245631
' Administrators
' #define FILE_DELETE_CHILD ( 0x0040 ) // directory
' #define WRITE_DAC (0x00040000L)
' #define WRITE_OWNER (0x00080000L)
' Sum SYNCHRO Total
' File/Folder Total = 301BF + 40 + 40000 + 80000 = F01FF = 983551 + 1048576 = 2032127
Set objDatabase = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strWsiFile, conmsiOpenDatabaseModeDirect)
Bail "Open DB", 0
AddCustomAction "6", "CA_GetLocalizedGroupsNames", "GetLocalizedGroups", ScriptDir() & "LocalGroupLocalized.vbs", objDatabase
Bail "Add custom action",0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & str_File & "', 'File', 'Administrators', '2032127')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '2032127' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & str_File & "' AND `Table` = 'File' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = 'Administrators'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & str_File & "', 'File', '[BuiltinUsers]', '1245631')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '1245631' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & str_File & "' AND `Table` = 'File' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = '[BuiltinUsers]'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & str_File & "', 'File', '[PowerUsers]', '1245631')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '1245631' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & str_File & "' AND `Table` = 'File' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = '[PowerUsers]'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
strProgId = objHOST.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.wsi\")
strCompileCommand = objHOST.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\" & strProgId & "\shell\CompileWPS\command\")
objREGEXP.Pattern = "%1"
strCompileCommand = objREGEXP.Replace(strCompileCommand, strWsiFile)
If MsgBox("Done! Do you want to compile now?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2 + vbSystemModal, "End") = vbYes Then
objHOST.Run strCompileCommand, 1, False
End if
End Sub
Bail "Stop " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Set objNET = Nothing
Set objHOST = Nothing
' Purpose: Add an action prior to an existing action in InstallExecuteSequence table.
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strActionToAdd = Name of the action to add
' strRelativeToAction = Name of the action to place the action infront of
' objDaBa = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Nothing.
Function AddActionPriorTo(strActionToAdd, strRelativeToAction, objDaBa)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objView, objRecord, intSeqRel, intFreeSeq, blnFree 'objDaBa
blnFree = False
Bail "Creating row in InstallExecuteSequence for " & strActionToAdd, 0
'Set objDaBa = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strDBFile, msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact)
'Bail "Open DB " & strDBFile, 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("SELECT `Action`, `Sequence` FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action`='" & strRelativeToAction & "'")
Bail "Select created for finding sequence relative to",0
Bail "Execute select for finding sequence relative to",0
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
intSeqRel = objRecord.StringData(2)
intFreeSeq = intSeqRel
Bail strRelativeToAction & " found at " & intSeqRel, 0
'Find previous free sequence number
intFreeSeq = intFreeSeq -1
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("SELECT `Action`, `Sequence` FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Sequence`=" & intFreeSeq)
Bail "Select created for finding free sequence",0
Bail "Execute select to find out if sequence " & intFreeSeq & " is free", 0
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
If objRecord Is Nothing Then blnFree = True
Loop Until blnFree
Bail "Free sequence is " & intFreeSeq, 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("INSERT INTO InstallExecuteSequence (`Action`, `Sequence`) VALUES ('" & strActionToAdd & "', '" & intFreeSeq & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for CA " & strActionToAdd, 0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "InstallExecuteSequence row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("UPDATE InstallExecuteSequence SET `Sequence` = '" & intFreeSeq & "' WHERE `Action` = '" & strActionToAdd & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query for CA " & strActionToAdd, 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
End Function
' Purpose: Add a custom action to the CustomAction table.
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strCAType = The custom action type (number)
' strCAName = The Custom action name
' strCASource = The Custom action source
' strFile = The file that should be place in binary table. Path plus file
' objDB = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Explanation of the value returned.
Function AddCustomAction(strCAType, strCAName, strCASource, strFile, objDB)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objView
AddScriptToBinaryTable strCASource, strFile, objDB
Bail "Creating a row in CustumActions table for " & strCAName, 0
Set objView = objDB.OpenView("INSERT INTO CustomAction (`Action`, `Type`, `Source`) VALUES ('" & strCAName & "', '" & strCAType &"', '" & strCASource & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for adding CA " & strCAName, 0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "CustumActions row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDB.OpenView("UPDATE CustomAction SET `Type` = '" & strCAType & "', `Source` = '" & strCASource & "' WHERE `Action` = '" & strCAName & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query uptating " & strCAName, 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
AddActionPriorTo strCAName, "CostFinalize", objDB
End Function
' Purpose: Add an entry in binary table
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strBinName = The name in Binary table
' strFilename = The file that should be place in binary table. Path plus file
' objDB = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Explanation of the value returned.
Function AddScriptToBinaryTable(strBinName, strFilename, objDB)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objVw
Dim objRec
Bail "Creating a row in binary table for " & strFilename, 0
Set objRec = objInstaller.CreateRecord(1)
objRec.SetStream 1, strFilename
Set objVw = objDB.OpenView("INSERT INTO `Binary` (`Name`, `Data`) VALUES ('" & strBinName & "', ?)")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for adding file " & strFilename & " into Binary table", 0
objVw.Execute objRec
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "Binary table row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objVw = objDB.OpenView("UPDATE Binary SET `Data` = ? WHERE `Name` = '" & strBinName & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query for updating file " & strFilename & " in Binary table", 0
objVw.Execute objRec
End if
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
objDB.Commit ' save changes
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
End Function
' Purpose: Returns the directory where the script resides.
' Assumptions: Nothing
' Effects : Nothings
' Inputs: Nothing
' Return Values : The folder including final backslash
Function ScriptDir()
On Error Resume Next
ScriptDir = Mid(WScript.ScriptFullName, 1, Len(WScript.ScriptFullName)- Len(WScript.ScriptName))
End Function
' Purpose: Writes to the application log.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: No argoments.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Function LogIt()
On Error Resume Next
objHOST.LogEvent intCODE, strMARK, objNET.ComputerName
End Function
' Purpose: Catch errors during execution of the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, are defined globaly
' and that the LogIt function exist.
' Effects : Sets intCODE, strMARK.
' Inputs:
' strEvent: The text that will be written to the application eventlog
' and if wanted as a message box to the user.
' intShow: If intShow equals 1 and an error has been generated, an error message is displayed to the user.
' If intShow differs from 1 and an error has been generated, the error is written to the application log.
' If an error has been generated and strEvent contains a string, than the string and the error are logged to the aspplications log.
' Return Values : The error number.
Function Bail(Byval strEvent, intShow)
Dim strERRMESSAGE, intBOX, blnQUIT, intRET, intButton
Bail = Err.Number
If intCODE <> 1 Then intCODE = 4
If Err.Number = 0 And strEvent = vbNullString Then Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
strEVENT = strEVENT & "-Err Number 0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description
intCODE = 1
If intSHOW = 1 Then
Select Case Hex(Err.Number)
'Insert your case numer here
Case Else
' All not handled errors gets here. This case gives the user no second chanse to try again.
strERRMESSAGE = "Unknown error. Please report this to the support."
intBOX = vbCritical
intButton = vbOKOnly + vbDefaultButton1
blnQUIT = True
End Select
intRET = MsgBox(strERRMESSAGE & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strEVENT, intBOX + intButton, conAPPLICATION)
End If
strEVENT = strEVENT & " - OK"
End If
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & strEVENT
If blnQUIT Or intRET = vbNo Then
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & "Premature termination " & Now()
WScript.Quit 1
End If
End Function
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Const conAPPLICATION = "MST LockPermissions File"
' SpecialFolder Constants
Const conWindowsFolder = 0
Const conSystemFolder = 1
Const conTemporaryFolder = 2
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1
Const conmsiOpenDatabaseModeDirect = 2 'Opens a database direct read/write without transaction.
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeCreate = 3
Const msiTransformErrorNone = 0
Const msiTransformValidationNone = 0
Const conFILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0 '0x00000000
Dim intCODE, strMARK
Dim objHOST, objNET
' Creating Objects
Set objNET = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Set objHOST = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim objInstaller ': Set objInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set objInstaller = Wscript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Bail "Start " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Main ' Cals the start subfunction that starts the script
' Purpose: Starts the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: none.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
'Begin to insert Your code here
Dim objDatabaseMaster, objDatabaseIntermediate, objDatabaseTransformed
Dim strMsiFile
Dim strMstFile
Dim strMsiFileName, strMstFileName
Dim objView, objRecord
Dim strRegistryTable()
Dim intI
Dim objFile
ReDim strRegistryTable(0)
Dim str_File, intRoot, strKey
' ============= Error handling =================================================
If WScript.Arguments.Count() = 0 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "This script takes two arguments" & VbCrLf & "The fisrt is the MSI file" & VbCrLf & "The second is the MST file" & VbCrLf, 1
End if
strMsiFile = WScript.Arguments(0)
If Not (InStrRev(strMsiFile, ".MSI", -1, vbtextcompare) = (Len(strMsiFile) - 3)) Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "The fisrt argument must be a MSI file" & VbCrLf, 1
End If
If WScript.Arguments.Count() = 2 Then
strMstFile = WScript.Arguments(1)
strMstFile = InputBox ("Full path inkl. MST-file name.","MST file path",Mid(WScript.Arguments(0), 1, Len(WScript.Arguments(0))-1) & "t")
End If
If Not (InStrRev(strMstFile, ".MST", -1, vbtextcompare) = (Len(strMstFile) - 3)) Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "The second argument must be a MST file" & VbCrLf, 1
End If
' ============= Error handling =================================================
objFSO.CopyFile strMsiFile, objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\", True 'Create a copy of the Windiws Installer database
objFSO.CopyFile strMstFile, objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\", True 'Create a copy of the Windiws Installer transform
If InStrRev(strMsiFile,"\", -1, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
strMsiFileName = Mid(strMsiFile, InStrRev(strMsiFile,"\", -1, vbTextCompare)+1)
strMsiFileName = strMsiFile
End If
If InStrRev(strMstFile,"\", -1, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
strMstFileName = Mid(strMstFile, InStrRev(strMstFile,"\", -1, vbTextCompare)+1)
strMstFileName = strMstFile
End If
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\" & strMsiFileName)
objFile.Attributes = conFILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
str_File = InputBox("Enter File property!" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "(from the first collumn of the file table for the file you want to change permissions for)", "Primary key in File table")
If Len(str_File) = 0 Then
Err.Raise -1
Bail "User aborted file property input", 1
End If
Set objDatabaseTransformed = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\" & strMsiFileName, conmsiOpenDatabaseModeDirect)
Bail "Open DB", 0
objDatabaseTransformed.ApplyTransform objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\" & strMstFileName, 0 '256 '63+256
Bail "Apply transform", 0
AddCustomAction "6", "CA_GetLocalizedGroupsNames", "GetLocalizedGroups", ScriptDir() & "LocalGroupLocalized.vbs", objDatabaseTransformed
Bail "Add custom action",0
' #define SYNCHRONIZE (0x00100000L) = 1048576 dec
' Traverse Folder/Execute File
' #define FILE_EXECUTE ( 0x0020 ) // file
' #define FILE_TRAVERSE ( 0x0020 ) // directory
' List Folder/Read data
' #define FILE_READ_DATA ( 0x0001 ) // file & pipe
' #define FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY ( 0x0001 ) // directory
' Read Attributes
' #define FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES ( 0x0080 ) // all
' Read Extended Attributes
' #define FILE_READ_EA ( 0x0008 ) // file & directory
' Create files/write data
' #define FILE_WRITE_DATA ( 0x0002 ) // file & pipe
' #define FILE_ADD_FILE ( 0x0002 ) // directory
' Create Folders/Append data
' #define FILE_APPEND_DATA ( 0x0004 ) // file
' #define FILE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY ( 0x0004 ) // directory
' #define FILE_CREATE_PIPE_INSTANCE ( 0x0004 ) // named pipe
' Write attributes
' #define FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES ( 0x0100 ) // all
' Write Extended attributes
' #define FILE_WRITE_EA ( 0x0010 ) // file & directory
' Delete
' #define DELETE (0x00010000L)
' Read permission
' #define READ_CONTROL (0x00020000L)
' Power Users in Program Files
' Sum SYNCHRO Total
' Total = 301BF = 197055 + 1048576 = 1245631
' Administrators
' #define FILE_DELETE_CHILD ( 0x0040 ) // directory
' #define WRITE_DAC (0x00040000L)
' #define WRITE_OWNER (0x00080000L)
' Sum SYNCHRO Total
' File/Folder Total = 301BF + 40 + 40000 + 80000 = F01FF = 983551 + 1048576 = 2032127
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & str_File & "', 'File', 'Administrators', '2032127')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '2032127' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & str_File & "' AND `Table` = 'File' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = 'Administrators'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & str_File & "', 'File', '[BuiltinUsers]', '1245631')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '1245631' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & str_File & "' AND `Table` = 'File' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = '[BuiltinUsers]'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("INSERT INTO LockPermissions (`LockObject`, `Table`, `User`, `Permission`) VALUES ('" & str_File & "', 'File', '[PowerUsers]', '1245631')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query",0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "LockPermission row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDatabaseTransformed.OpenView("UPDATE LockPermissions SET `Permission` = '1245631' WHERE `LockObject` = '" & str_File & "' AND `Table` = 'File' AND `Domain` = '' AND `User` = '[PowerUsers]'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query",0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
Set objDatabaseMaster = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strMsiFile, msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly)
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs") Then objFSO.CreateFolder objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs"
If objFSO.FileExists(objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs\" & strMstFileName) Then objFSO.DeleteFile objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs\" & strMstFileName, True
objDatabaseTransformed.GenerateTransform objDatabaseMaster, objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs\" & strMstFileName
Bail "Create Transform", 0
objDatabaseTransformed.CreateTransformSummaryInfo objDatabaseMaster, objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs\" & strMstFileName, msiTransformErrorNone, msiTransformValidationNone
Bail "CreateTransformSummaryInfo", 0
objHOST.Run """" & objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(conTemporaryFolder) & "\New_MSTs" & """", 1 ,False
End Sub
Bail "Stop " & conAPPLICATION & " " & Now(), 0
Set objNET = Nothing
Set objHOST = Nothing
' Purpose: Add an action prior to an existing action in InstallExecuteSequence table.
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strActionToAdd = Name of the action to add
' strRelativeToAction = Name of the action to place the action infront of
' objDaBa = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Nothing.
Function AddActionPriorTo(strActionToAdd, strRelativeToAction, objDaBa)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objView, objRecord, intSeqRel, intFreeSeq, blnFree 'objDaBa
blnFree = False
Bail "Creating row in InstallExecuteSequence for " & strActionToAdd, 0
'Set objDaBa = objInstaller.OpenDatabase(strDBFile, msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact)
'Bail "Open DB " & strDBFile, 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("SELECT `Action`, `Sequence` FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Action`='" & strRelativeToAction & "'")
Bail "Select created for finding sequence relative to",0
Bail "Execute select for finding sequence relative to",0
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
intSeqRel = objRecord.StringData(2)
intFreeSeq = intSeqRel
Bail strRelativeToAction & " found at " & intSeqRel, 0
'Find previous free sequence number
intFreeSeq = intFreeSeq -1
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("SELECT `Action`, `Sequence` FROM `InstallExecuteSequence` WHERE `Sequence`=" & intFreeSeq)
Bail "Select created for finding free sequence",0
Bail "Execute select to find out if sequence " & intFreeSeq & " is free", 0
Set objRecord = objView.Fetch()
If objRecord Is Nothing Then blnFree = True
Loop Until blnFree
Bail "Free sequence is " & intFreeSeq, 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("INSERT INTO InstallExecuteSequence (`Action`, `Sequence`) VALUES ('" & strActionToAdd & "', '" & intFreeSeq & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for CA " & strActionToAdd, 0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "InstallExecuteSequence row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDaBa.OpenView("UPDATE InstallExecuteSequence SET `Sequence` = '" & intFreeSeq & "' WHERE `Action` = '" & strActionToAdd & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query for CA " & strActionToAdd, 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
End Function
' Purpose: Add a custom action to the CustomAction table.
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strCAType = The custom action type (number)
' strCAName = The Custom action name
' strCASource = The Custom action source
' strFile = The file that should be place in binary table. Path plus file
' objDB = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Explanation of the value returned.
Function AddCustomAction(strCAType, strCAName, strCASource, strFile, objDB)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objView
AddScriptToBinaryTable strCASource, strFile, objDB
Bail "Creating a row in CustumActions table for " & strCAName, 0
Set objView = objDB.OpenView("INSERT INTO CustomAction (`Action`, `Type`, `Source`) VALUES ('" & strCAName & "', '" & strCAType &"', '" & strCASource & "')")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for adding CA " & strCAName, 0
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "CustumActions row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objView = objDB.OpenView("UPDATE CustomAction SET `Type` = '" & strCAType & "', `Source` = '" & strCASource & "' WHERE `Action` = '" & strCAName & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query uptating " & strCAName, 0
End If
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
AddActionPriorTo strCAName, "CostFinalize", objDB
End Function
' Purpose: Add an entry in binary table
' Assumptions:
' Effects :
' Inputs: strBinName = The name in Binary table
' strFilename = The file that should be place in binary table. Path plus file
' objDB = Object containing the database (MSI) to edit
' Return Values : Explanation of the value returned.
Function AddScriptToBinaryTable(strBinName, strFilename, objDB)
On Error Resume Next
'Insert Your function code here
Dim objVw
Dim objRec
Bail "Creating a row in binary table for " & strFilename, 0
Set objRec = objInstaller.CreateRecord(1)
objRec.SetStream 1, strFilename
Set objVw = objDB.OpenView("INSERT INTO `Binary` (`Name`, `Data`) VALUES ('" & strBinName & "', ?)")
Bail "Create OpnenView INSERT INTO query for adding file " & strFilename & " into Binary table", 0
objVw.Execute objRec
If Hex(Err.Number) = 80004005 Then
Bail "Binary table row exists. Trying to update instead", 0
Set objVw = objDB.OpenView("UPDATE Binary SET `Data` = ? WHERE `Name` = '" & strBinName & "'")
Bail "Create OpnenView UPDATE query for updating file " & strFilename & " in Binary table", 0
objVw.Execute objRec
End if
Bail "Execute OpenView for INSERT INTO/UPDATE", 0
Bail "Close OpenView", 0
objDB.Commit ' save changes
Bail "Commit DB changes", 0
End Function
' Purpose: Returns the directory where the script resides.
' Assumptions: Nothing
' Effects : Nothings
' Inputs: Nothing
' Return Values : The folder including final backslash
Function ScriptDir()
On Error Resume Next
ScriptDir = Mid(WScript.ScriptFullName, 1, Len(WScript.ScriptFullName)- Len(WScript.ScriptName))
End Function
' Purpose: Writes to the application log.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, objHOST, objNET are defined globaly.
' Effects : None.
' Inputs: No argoments.
' Return Values : Nothing.
Function LogIt()
On Error Resume Next
objHOST.LogEvent intCODE, strMARK, objNET.ComputerName
End Function
' Purpose: Catch errors during execution of the script.
' Assumptions: Assumes that intCODE, strMARK, are defined globaly
' and that the LogIt function exist.
' Effects : Sets intCODE, strMARK.
' Inputs:
' strEvent: The text that will be written to the application eventlog
' and if wanted as a message box to the user.
' intShow: If intShow equals 1 and an error has been generated, an error message is displayed to the user.
' If intShow differs from 1 and an error has been generated, the error is written to the application log.
' If an error has been generated and strEvent contains a string, than the string and the error are logged to the aspplications log.
' Return Values : The error number.
Function Bail(Byval strEvent, intShow)
Dim strERRMESSAGE, intBOX, blnQUIT, intRET, intButton
Bail = Err.Number
If intCODE <> 1 Then intCODE = 4
If Err.Number = 0 And strEvent = vbNullString Then Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
strEVENT = strEVENT & "-Err Number 0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description
intCODE = 1
If intSHOW = 1 Then
Select Case Hex(Err.Number)
'Insert your case numer here
Case Else
' All not handled errors gets here. This case gives the user no second chanse to try again.
strERRMESSAGE = "Unknown error. Please report this to the support."
intBOX = vbCritical
intButton = vbOKOnly + vbDefaultButton1
blnQUIT = True
End Select
intRET = MsgBox(strERRMESSAGE & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strEVENT, intBOX + intButton, conAPPLICATION)
End If
strEVENT = strEVENT & " - OK"
End If
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & strEVENT
If blnQUIT Or intRET = vbNo Then
strMARK = strMARK & vbCrLF & "Premature termination " & Now()
WScript.Quit 1
End If
End Function
Drag and Drop the wsi/mst on the appropriate script by placing the script with it.